- Do not expect staff to be at your beck and call - we will do our best to make your time as comfortable and enjoyable as we can, but we are not your servants
- Do not expect hotel accommodation or food - we are a working NGO, which scrabbles for every penny, and makes every penny count. The work is aimed at people in need, not people in need of comfort
- Do not expect any tolerance for those involved in drugs, excessive drinking, rudeness, ignorance, aggressiveness, or sexual activity during the working week - it hurts our reputation and our relationship with local communities and government officials
- Do not expect a free ride - we are not a rich organisation. For volunteers applying directly through us, this means that we will need the balance of payment (in Thai Baht) made in full when you arrive. The programme will not be available to you until this is paid
- Do not expect everything to be exactly as you want it - you will likely be outside your comfort zone, and life can get frustrating or hard to understand. Talk to us, or friends, to work through issues - don't let things fester, as it does no-one any good
- Actually, just don't expect anything - life is much easier when you have no expectations or preconceptions. Take things in your stride, embrace the experience, and if you have to process it all, do it later...
Please read all the information carefully before applying. Staff at Mirror are very helpful, extremely friendly and approachable, but very very busy. They will go out of their way to help you, so please do not abuse the privilege. The lives of many people depend on our work, which means that volunteers need to be proactive, resourceful, sociable and generally able to help themselves.